oa De Vertalingendatabase van het Nederlands Letterenfonds als transnationaal instrument
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Internationale Neerlandistiek, Volume 61, Issue 3, Dec 2023, p. 242 - 264
- 01 Dec 2023
In the literary infrastructure, several actors are involved in translating a literary work from one language to another. This article presents the results of an institutional study of one of the biggest players in the Dutch literary life, namely the Dutch Foundation for Literature. Through participatory research (interviews and questionnaires), the main focuses of this organisation emerged, of which this article examines one of its working tools, the Translation Database. This database, for which Marlies Hoff (Library and Documentation) is responsible, is a nationally unique phenomenon and a transnational tool. Both the staff of the Dutch Foundation for Literature, and external users inside and outside the borders of the Netherlands make extensive use of it. To investigate this database and to map its users, a questionnaire was compiled on both internal and external use of the database. This research seeks to better understand by whom, for what and how this database is used inside and outside the Dutch Foundation for Literature.