oa Boekbespreking - Van God los? Recensie van Moor, N., Explaining worldwide religious diversity. The relationship between subsistence technologies and ideas about the unknown in preindustrial and (post-)industrial societies. ICS, Groningen/Utrecht/Nijmegen, 2009. ISBN 978 90 90247472
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Mens & Maatschappij, Volume 85, Issue 2, Jun 2010, p. 196 - 202
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Boekbespreking - Van God los? Recensie van Moor, N., Explaining worldwide religious diversity. The relationship between subsistence technologies and ideas about the unknown in preindustrial and (post-)industrial societies. ICS, Groningen/Utrecht/Nijmegen, 2009. ISBN 978 90 90247472, Page 1 of 1
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