Volume 84, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0025-9454
  • E-ISSN: 1876-2816


Recorded crime as an indicator of the integration of individuals of non-Western origin.

In this article, we seek to find out to what extent the various ethnic groups residing in the Netherlands are (over)represented as suspects in the recorded crime statistics. This research reveals that even after correcting for a number of socioeconomic background variables, the probability of being suspected of an offence is still considerably greater for non-Western ethnic minority groups than for the autochthonous Dutch population. Particularly notable in the figures is the large overrepresentation of second-generation Moroccans and first-generation Antilleans. The data we used in this study are recorded crime statistics, which are based on the entire population and can be analysed at the individual level. These data certainly do not provide a complete description of crime in the Netherlands; a substantial ‘dark number’ remains. However, there are no hard indications that this dark number differs between the various ethnic groups residing in the Netherlands.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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