oa Determinanten van het zelfstandig en gezamenlijk gebruik van print- en beeldschermmedia door kinderen van nul tot en met zes jaar
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Pedagogiek, Volume 37, Issue 3, Nov 2017, p. 199 - 225
Determinants of self-reliant and shared use of print- and screen-media in zero-to-six-year-olds
An online survey among 1.085 parents investigated (a) how young children (0-6 years) use media, (b) to what extent they share media with parents and siblings, and (c) which family, parent and child characteristics explain differences in shared or solitary use. Depending on age, parent’s education and siblings at home, children’s print- and screen-media use varied from 49 minutes/day (low users) to 280 minutes/day (very high users). Among high users there are more media devices in the bedroom and parents see mediation as somewhat more difficult. Educational and creativity applications are used the most alone. Television programs or YouTube-clips, and books are mostly used with parents. Older and more media-literate children mostly use media alone, whereas with more siblings at home media are shared with peers and less with parents. The data may assist in campaigns that empower specific groups of parents in the mediation of their children’s media use.