Volume 39, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1567-7109
  • E-ISSN: 2468-1652



Suicidal behavior is two to four times more common in Surinamese-Hindustani than in Dutch young women in the Netherlands. The decreased well-being of these adolescents is often related to a poor relationship with their parents. To date, quantitative studies in which the relation between an increased risk of depression, an important risk factor for suicide, and the parent-adolescent relationship in this ethnic-cultural group is investigated are lacking. In an attempt to understand this relation better, we conducted an online daily diary study on differences between Surinamese-Hindustani and Dutch adolescents (age 16-26) with regard to depressed mood, frequency of parent-adolescent conflicts, topics of conflict, and the strength of the relationship between the number of parent-adolescent conflicts and depressed mood. The adolescents completed questionnaires, including the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), followed by a 14-day online daily diary tracking the frequency and topics of parent-adolescent conflicts, as well as general affect. Analyses revealed that (1) there were no differences between Surinamese-Hindustani and Dutch participants regarding depressed mood and frequency of parent-adolescent conflicts (2) Surinamese-Hindustani participants experienced more conflicts with their parents about autonomy than Dutch participants (3) the frequency of parent-adolescent conflicts was related to depressed mood among Dutch, but not among Surinamese-Hindustani participants.


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