oa Een bekende smoel voor het goede doel
De effectiviteit van Bekende Vlamingen in non-profitcampagnes
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 39, Issue 2, Jun 2011,
Famous Flemings’ Effectiveness in Non-Profit Campaigns.
Famous Flemings’ Effectiveness in Non-Profit Campaigns.
This article studies the effectiveness of Flemish celebrities as endorsers in non-profit campaigns. Six existing Flemish campaigns were selected and tested on the public in three regards: the recognition of the campaign, the ability to name the organisation behind it and the intention to support the organisation. Recognising specific differences between the campaigns, results show that celebrity endorsed campaigns seem to reach a wider, younger target audience, while non-celebrity based campaigns target a rather ‘classic’ donor audience.
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