oa Hoe gesprekken een participatieproces maken of breken
Een vergelijkende casestudie naar de betekenis van gesprekken tussen burgers en overheid voor het verloop van een lokaal participatieproces
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 47, Issue 1, Mar 2019,
A comparative case study into the meaning of conversations between citizens and government on the course and outcome of local participation processes Although the importance of conversations for citizen participation is widely recognized, there is still little insight into the meaning of conversations for participatory processes. This comparative case study provides insight into the discursive patterns that characterize the conversations between citizens, civil servants and other stakeholders in two participatory processes in different municipalities. Our framing-analysis shows how different discursive patterns develop in interaction and how these patterns effect the course and outcome in both participation processes. The results provide insight in how experiences of previous events influence the discursive patterns that participants construct in interaction. It is concluded that in both cases not the nature of the issue, but the way it was discussed and how participants framed this was crucial for the course and outcome of the participation process.