oa Studenten Journalistiek in Nederland: profiel, motieven en rolperceptiesMet speciale dank aan alle docenten van de journalistieke hbo- en Masteropleidingen (inclusief de postacademische) die ons toegang en tijd gaven om surveys onder hun studenten af te nemen; Isabel Awad zijn we meer dan erkentelijk voor haar coördinerende en kritische lezersrol; Liesbeth Hermans, Nico Drok en Folker Hanusch bedanken we voor de stimulerende gesprekken tijdens dit onderzoek.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 47, Issue 1, Mar 2019,
The general profile of the Dutch journalism student that emerges from the survey is quite consistent with international research. Using creativity and writing skills in a professional way are stronger motivations than the wish to contribute to democracy. Dutch students consider journalists as impartial providers of news (analysis) and stimulators of public debate. The watchdog role seems to be less popular. Striking is the conclusion that Dutch journalism students are not so much driven by idealistic motives, but merely personal interests. Only MA students who value the watchdog role of the media, stick to their idealistic motive. Feminization of the profession also reflects in training and education. As digital natives, with a strong focus on social media, we expect this new generation of journalists to search and find methods to avoid or fight the negative aspects of social media such as tunnel vision and fake news.