Volume 61, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1876-9071
  • E-ISSN: 2214-5729


Abstract (English)

Besides the standard imperative mood (as in ‘Walk!’), Dutch has a few alternative imperative constructions. This article is about one of those forms, namely the imperative participle. This involves forms such as (‘Go away!’), (‘March off!’), (‘Take care!’) and (‘Don’t be sad!’). A question that arises is whether forms of the type should be left out of consideration in the way Postma (2013) does. I make a reasonable case for including the type as a member of the construction under consideration. The study is based on attestations from the OpenSoNaR and CHN corpora and an overview of some previous analyses and thus addresses the question which features imperative participles have in common and which types can be regarded as variants of one imperative participial construction.


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