Volume 61, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1876-9071
  • E-ISSN: 2214-5729


Abstract (English)

This contribution focuses on the presentation of a practical intercultural translation project, carried out first at Moscow State University and then at Comenius University in Bratislava, namely the translation of the cultural essay by Jan Renkema (Boom Publishers). Renkema presents the Dutch identity on the basis of some historical, geographical and cultural characteristics. The book offers an excellent challenge to work within a group of motivated students who want to get to know the culture of the Netherlands a little better. In this contribution, with the help of intercultural theoretical principles (as suggested by Reiss, Degraeve & Waterlot), which can stimulate the intercultural competences of future Dutch translators, an overview is given of the challenges with Russian and Slovak students. Translation processes and strategies applied during the classes and the publishing process are discussed. In addition, principles of peer reviewing and peer teaching that were used during the translation seminar in both countries are discussed. Renkema was also involved in the translation process for consultation. Finally, an overview of the biggest obstacles during the translation process from the point of view of students and the supervising teachers is presented when comparing the two working methods in the translation project collaboration.


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