Volume 37, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1567-7109
  • E-ISSN: 2468-1652



The Mulock Houwer Lecture 2016 focuses on parenting in times of war. Mulock Houwer (1903-1985) was a renowned pioneer in youth care and child protection. He came to the Netherlands during the First World War as an unaccompanied minor refugee. Through the Second World War, he was a father of four children and the director of the youth institution where he found refuge as an orphan. Building on Mulock Houwer’s experiences as a child, as a father, and as a child protector, Carla van Os reflects on the needs of children living in and after war situations, as well as which characteristics of parents help to protect the positive development of children during such difficult rearing circumstances. Based on research of people living in current and post war situations, the following subjects are discussed: the impact of refugee parents’ fear and depression on the mental health of the children; attachment behaviour in refugee families; and the need for continuity, stability, and an as-normal-as-possible life in the host country.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): development; mental health; parenting; refugee children; war
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