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- Volume 52, Issue 3, 2014
Internationale Neerlandistiek - Volume 52, Issue 3, 2014
Volume 52, Issue 3, 2014
Kijk, ik spreek illegaals!
Authors: Jürgen Jaspers & Heleen MercelisAbstractDespite the fact that linguistic contact phenomena have been observed in various cities across the Netherlands and Flanders, it may be imprudent to label these phenomena with names such as Murks, straattaal and recently Illegaals. We argue that these labels, in particular Illegaals, so far have functioned as floating signifiers that are variably attributed to a wide range of different linguistic targets such as imitations of accented Dutch, learner Dutch or even competent fluent Dutch. We suggest that these signifiers do not so much hint at the existence of new separate urban varieties of language, but rather offer clues for how speakers navigate linguistic complexity and difference in contemporary cities, and what language use may come to be seen as normal, attractive and worth pursuing in the future.
Academisch taalgebruik in het Nederlandse wetenschappelijk onderwijs: stand van zaken en blik op de toekomst
Authors: Alice van Kalsbeek & Folkert KuikenAbstractThis article discusses aspects of academic literacy. It first focuses on academic language in general, highlighting its characteristics and the process of academic language acquisition by university students. A review is given of the problems with academic language proficiency of students at Dutch universities and initiatives to improve this proficiency. In the second part, the relation between language and culture in the academic context is the point of focus. Some of the problems with the social and cultural integration of students into the academic world are identified and suggestions for further research are given.
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