Een verloren generatie van jongeren op de arbeidsmarkt? | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 30, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0169-2216
  • E-ISSN: 2468-9424


A lost generation of youth in the labour market?

A lost generation of youth in the labour market?

After the economic crisis of the 1980s concerns have been raised whether the high youth unemployment during that period produced a ‘lost generation’ of young people. The same question has been asked recently after the emergence of the currently high youth unemployment. But how justified is this issue? In order to find this out, it is investigated in this article to what extent recent cohorts of young people are (permanently) disadvantaged by high unemployment levels at labour market entry. To address this question, repeated cross-sections from the Labour Force Survey (1993-2011) were used and pseudo-panel analysis was applied in order to ‘follow’ labour market entry cohorts during the early career. The results show that labour market entry in times of high unemployment has negative effects on later employment opportunities and occupational status attainment. However, these negative effects disappear after a few years in the labour market. These findings imply that the negative effects of high unemployment at labour market entry are not permanent, but diminish during the early career. All in all, young people experience negative effects of labour market entry in times of high unemployment, but these effects do not produce a lost generation.


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