Volume 99, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0025-9454
  • E-ISSN: 1876-2816



Policies can have a large impact on the lives of refugees, especially in the first few years after arrival. Prior research has mostly focused on their impact on ‘objective’ factors such as language acquisition or labor market integration. We expand on this by examining the longer-term impact of refugee’s experiences with Dutch institutions and policies on the perceived exclusion of migrants by Dutch society. This study uses three waves of survey data (2017, 2019, 2022) to explore the policy factors that influence perceived exclusion among Syrian refugees in the Netherlands. We aim to offer a more nuanced perspective on the impact of policies, by examining the role of objective aspects, e.g., the time spent in an asylum seeker center, and subjective aspects, e.g., satisfaction with the stay in the center. Our findings indicate that especially subjective factors matter. Those who were more satisfied with their stay in the center perceived less exclusion, and this effect did not decrease over time.


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