Volume 140, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0040-7550
  • E-ISSN: 2212-0521



Literary value assignment is most visible in the form of textual value judgments, especially in literary criticism. These textual value judgments are often not visible in the case of literary prizes. Which value judgments play a role in the awarding of the ANV Debutantenprijs by the jury of this prize in the years 2016-2019? This answer is obtained through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the evaluative statements in the jury minutes using the categorization model for evaluation domains that Yvette Linders and Esther Op de Beek developed for the analysis of literary (daily newspaper) criticism. The analysis shows that the jury has a traditional view of literature and authorship. In addition to poetic and textual criteria, emotions and ideas about authorship, as well as external factors, such as other literary prizes, the reader and commercial considerations, also appear to influence the assignment of value through the literary prize.


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