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- Volume 23, Issue 3, 2019
Nederlandse Taalkunde - Volume 23, Issue 3, 2019
Volume 23, Issue 3, 2019
De positie van het Standaardnederlands en tussentaal in Vlaanderen
Authors: Chloé Lybaert & Lobke TyberghienAbstractThe position of Standard Dutch and tussentaal in Flanders: the opinions of adolescents from Tielt
In this paper, the results of a perceptions and attitudes study in the West-Flemish town Tielt are reported. Twenty teenagers were subjected to an interview, to gain insight in the way they evaluate intralingual language variation in Flanders and how they judge on the situational appropriateness of this variation. These interviews were analysed by means of a qualitative discourse-based approach. The results show that Standard Dutch is still the superior variety to these teenagers (even though they are not that competent in it), and it is pre-eminently appropriate for more formal situations, which points to the existence of a standard language ideology. At the same time, Standard Dutch is considered an ideal which is hardly ever achieved, and a variety which is unsuitable for everyday informal situations. Tussentaal (lit. ‘in-between language’), on the other hand, is the adolescents’ default language, and is appropriate for everyday situations.
Expressive markers in online teenage talk
Authors: Lisa Hilte, Reinhild Vandekerckhove & Walter DaelemansAbstractThis paper discusses the expression of emotional involvement in informal computer-mediated communication (CMC). While related research is quite fragmentary through its exclusive focus on a limited number of expressive markers or the inclusion of just one independent variable, the present study includes a wide range of expressive markers and three independent variables. The data reveal strikingly consistent age and gender correlates across all expressive markers and a strong correlation between the preferences of younger adolescents and girls. Furthermore, the study highlights a major impact of medium type. It calls for a refinement of the operationalization of the variable medium, as apart from its inherent characteristics (private/public, synchronous/asynchronous), the nature and goal of the interaction (which is also partly related to the type of social media that people use) trigger specific linguistic practices.
Asymmetrical coordination
More LessAbstractThis article aims at showing that the special interpretations of asymmetrical coordinate structures result from an interplay between the syntactico-semantic output of the grammar and pragmatics, but that they do not necessitate the introduction of special syntactico-semantic means; standard assumptions about syntax, semantics and pragmatics suffice for providing an adequate description of the core data.
Alsof ik nazi ben!
Authors: Matthijs Looij & Diana MinnaertAbstractThe Dutch alsof-X construction (‘as if X’) can be used to make a sincere comparison, like het lijkt alsof X (‘it seems as if’). After an analysis of a corpus of Dutch tweets, the authors of this squib argue that the alsof-X construction can also be used to express emotion and negation. Moreover, after analysis of English tweets, it is reasoned that the as if X-construction is used by language users to serve yet another purpose. Mainly, a real-life event is described which is, according to the Twitter user, too bizarre to be true. The last paragraphs of this squib are dedicated to the use of negation within the alsof-X construction, application of the theories of argumentativity and intersubjectivitiy and a proposal as to how the alsof-X construction might have developed through time.
Altijd leuk, zo’n ironische constructie!
By Emmy StevensAbstractSome linguistic constructions can be considered default ironic constructions, as those combinations of words almost always trigger an ironic reading (Giora, Drucker & Fein 2014, Giora et al 2015). According to La Roi (2014), the Dutch altijd-X-construction can be considered such a default ironic construction. However, a corpus analysis reveals that most of the instances are not ironic. The assumption that the altijd-X-construction is ironic by default no longer holds. Nevertheless, the corpus analysis indeed shows that the combination of altijd with a positive evaluative word is significantly more interpreted as ironic than the usage of altijd or the positive evaluative words in isolation.
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Goed of fout
Authors: Hans Bennis & Frans Hinskens
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