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In recent years, several Dutch poets published poetry collections that actively engage with online culture and politics, and with online feminist culture in particular. Undertaking an in depth reading of two poetry collections that are exemplary of this trend, Het is warm in de hivemind by Maxime Garcia Diaz and De maan schijnt feller in de metaverse by Merel van Slobbe, this article argues that play and playfulness are essential in how these poets engage with online culture. Through play, these poets recuperate and transform beyond recognition intertextual references, moods and sentiments that were initially developed in online feminist culture. Whereas Garcia Diaz pursues a strategy of ‘illegibility’ that ascertains that this poetry cannot be imprisoned within the logic of contemporary platform capitalism, Van Slobbe pursues a more daring strategy of ‘radical openness’ that leaves open the possibility that her work will be recuperated by online culture.
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