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- Volume 89, Issue 4, 2014
Mens & Maatschappij - Volume 89, Issue 4, 2014
Volume 89, Issue 4, 2014
De veerkrachtige arbeidsmarkt
Authors: Menno Fenger, Ferry Koster & Romke van der VeenSummaryThe resilient labor market. An exploration across 29 countries
This paper presents a novel way of conceptualizing and measuring the resilience of labor markets. While earlier accounts of resilience focus on explained variance and concentrate on economic circumstances, the analyses presented here starts from the premise that much can be learned about the adaptability of labor markets by focusing on the unexplained variance of empirical models. Based on international comparative data for 29 European countries, this approach to labor market resilience is explored.
Flexicurity in tijden van crisis in Nederland en Europa: een vergelijkende analyse van sociale modellen
By Ruud MuffelsSummaryFlexicurity in times of crisis in the Netherlands and Europe: A comparative analysis of social models
The purpose of the article is to highlight the consequences of the recent economic crises for the way European welfare states and notably the Dutch one dealt with the challenge to maintain the balance between flexibility and security goals with regard to the labour market. This will be pursued against the background of the theory of social models in which social models are conceived as ideal-typical configurations of labour market and social security institutions which reflect different ideas about the functioning of the labour market. We distinguish three models among which the flexicurity model, that is assumed to bridge the two opposite poles of the broad spectrum of social models, i.e. the liberal Anglophone variant and the Classical welfare state variant. The European Labour Force Survey of 2008 is used to analyse the effects of various labour market institutions on the employment performance of countries and regions before the crisis whereas the European Social Survey is used to research the differential impact of the crisis along the broad spectrum of European welfare states on the employment insecurity of various groups such as the youngsters, elderly and the low-skilled.
Veranderingen in overwegingen van topmanagers over werk-privébeleid tijdens de economische crisis
Authors: Wike M. Been, Laura den Dulk & Tanja van der LippeSummaryChanges in top managers’ considerations around work-life arrangements during the economic crisis
In this article we ask the question how the considerations of top managers regarding organizational work-life policies have changed during the recent time of economic crisis and how these changes can be understood from the organizational context. The result of the comparison of semi-structured interviews held in 2008 and again in 2011 show that top managers have become more cost-aware during the economic crisis. Considerations of top managers around work-life policies tend to focus more on consequences for the organization, rather than on employee needs. At the same time we see that work-life policies are increasingly perceived by the top managers as integral part of their organizational policies. Top managers combine this sense of increased integration of work-life arrangements with their increased focus on consequences for the organization by setting conditions for the use of policies by employees ensuring that it will not harm the organization.
Loonsverlaging of reductie van het personeelsbestand in de economische crisis? Rapportage van Duitse en Nederlandse werknemers
More Less[SamenvattingHoe hebben Duitse en Nederlandse bedrijven in 2009 en 2010 gereageerd op de economische crisis? In dit artikel onderzoeken we de relatie tussen loonsverlaging en personeelsreductie alsook de rol van de arbeidsverhoudingen daarbij. We gebruiken de data van een continue web-survey onder werknemers tussen 2009/08 en 2010/12 (N = 36.130). Personeelsreductie werd vaker gemeld dan loonsverlaging en lijkt vooral te duiden op een permanente organisatorische strategie. Daarentegen werden loonsverlaging meer gerelateerd aan de ontwikkeling van de crisis. We vonden geen bewijs dat loonsverlaging in Duitsland en Nederland op grote schaal werden uitgeruild tegen behoud van werkgelegenheid. De stelsels van arbeidsverhoudingen in de twee landen hebben er blijkbaar voor gezorgd dat loonvorming robuuster is dan behoud van werkgelegenheid: werknemers die onder een cao vielen rapporteerden vaker personeelsreductie dan loonsverlaging. Wel rapporteerden laagopgeleide en laagbetaalde werknemers vaker aanpassingen van het basisloon, met grotere loonongelijkheid als gevolg. Labour hoarding werd voornamelijk gemeld door jonge, mannelijke werknemers met een vast, voltijds contract.
,Wage or workforce adjustments in the crisis?1
How do organisations respond if the crisis affects their business? Do they adjust wages or workforce? Using data from a continuous employee web-survey firm-level responses to the economic crisis in Germany and the Netherlands are investigated. Workforce adjustments were a continuous strategy. No evidence was found of wage concessions traded-off for job protection. Collective bargaining ensured robust wage-setting rather than employment protection. Basic wage reductions were reported more often for low-educated and low-wage employees thereby increasing wage inequality. Labour hoarding was reported predominantly by young, male employees with a permanent, full-time contract.
Crisis in de postindustriële stad?
More LessSummaryCrisis in the Post-Industrial City?Analysing the Impact of Post-Industrialism and Creativity on Unemployment among the Less Educated in Dutch Cities during the Crisis (2008-2012)
Former industrial strongholds have to cope with higher unemployment levels among the less educated than service-oriented urban economies. Two explanations that can account for this firmly-established pattern – the polarisation thesis and the creativity thesis – inspire contrasting hypotheses on how it will develop during the current crisis. According to the first it is expected to wither, while the second predicts that it will grow in salience. An empirical assessment on unemployment levels among the less educated in Dutch cities during the time-span 2008-2012 yields findings in line with the first expectation. The implications of the results for post-crisis urban economic developments are discussed.
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